Alla inlägg den 6 mars 2010

Av Helena - 6 mars 2010 11:30

Endel av barnen från det stora landet i väster........har svårt att förstå hur man uppför sig...ja, de enklaste saker. Så då tog amerikanarna saken i egna händer och gjorde upp en regel ordning som gäller ALLA!!!! Hur svårt är det att prata med barnen det gäller !!! Eftersom vi kommer från så skilda världar (som det verkar) allihop är detta jätte svårt att hitta bra lösningar . En del är för kollektivbestraffning när en enda någon inte klarar att sköta sig...andra är det inte. Många alldeles för många är för bestraffningar av alla slag.

Här kommer deras "strålande" åtgärdslista..........I´m going crazy!!!



 Be polite

  • Don’t shout
  • Say Good morning and Good bye
  • Say sorry
  • Say please and thank you

Do not fight

  • Don’t push
  • Don’t namecall
  • Don’t take things from each other without asking

 Be helpful

  • Share things with each other
  • Play games include everyone
  • Report it to the teacher if you see somebody to be in trouble

 Be prepared

  • Prepare your school things for each class
  • Wait for the teacher in classroom
  • Always be on time

 Keep your classroom clean

  • Don’t drop litter
  • Put your books in your desk
  • Clean up your food
  • Change your shoes



If the child misbehaves

  • First time: oral warning: „Please stop doing it.”
  • Second time: the child sits next to the theacher for the rest of class.
  • Third time: child sits next to the teacher at lunch.
  • Fourth time or serious misbehaving: the child has to stay in a classroom with a teacher for half an hour after lunch and not allowed to go outside with the others. (They spend about 1 hour in the school yard, so the misbehaving child can spend some time in the fresh air as well)

A note is sent home to the parents, who must sign and return it to the teacher.A meeting can be arranged.

 Ideas for making the classroom atmosphere better

„The cleanest classroom” competition  - Reward for the winning class, winner is announced every two weeks.

„The best behaved child of the week” competition: the winner(s) is/are nominated by a jury made up of three cildren from the class. The winners’ names are announced to everyone through the school radio every  Friday and are put on the notice board at the entrance.

Stickers to the message book:

I’m polite

I’m helpful

I’m well-prepared

These stickers are given to the child any time he/she behaves well, so the parents can see how well-behaved the child was.

We will try to encourage the students to behave well with these rewards and use punishment only if it is necessary.

Requests to the parents

 We will send home the rules and consequences and we kindly ask the parents to read them through with the child, talk to her/him why these rules are important and what happens if she/he misbehaves.

Talk to the child about the classmates’ behaviour and encourage them to tell the parents or teachers if she/he sees something bad: if a child bullies another child. Quite often the children bully the others in places where the teacher doesn’t see (in the toilet, behind a tree etc.) and the teacher is not able to warn the child if she does not know about it.

We ask the parents to make the child understood that they have to listen to the teachers. We can  keep order if the children listen to us and accept the teacher  as an adult who is responsible for them.

Please read the child’s message book every day, because it contains important information about the child’s behaviour and school programs. Also make sure every morning that the child brings everything that he/she needs: books, exercise books, sharp pencils, etc. – it is a great help for the teacher and the child will feel more comfortable if he/she is well-prepared.

If you have any questions or comments please send me,  or the representative of the MSB an e-mail.





Fråga mig

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